Entries by anammaster

In The Cloud

In the cloud raindrops swirl, In the mind – thoughts. Ha! There is no rainmaker!            Kalidas            Kali’s Bazaar penned by Kalidas, p. 11

The Flames Of Love

Let the flames of Love cleanse you Of all clinging to illusion. Let Love illumine the Truth. Love is the most precious gift. Love is the most sublime path. Love […]

Tara’s Prayer

Many pains,    one cause, Many clouds,    one sky, Many egos,    one Self, Many struggles,    one release, Many shadows,    one Light, Many bonds,    one freedom, Many cloths,    one weaver, Many ages, […]

The One Beneath The Many

Many panes,    one Light, Many teachers,    one truth, Many rays,    one sun, Many rivers,    one ocean, Many deities,    one Divine, Many flames,    one fire, Many sights,    one seer, Many religions, […]

Clean The Mind

When soot blackens the chimney of a lamp, who would waste time yelling at the flame for not shining brightly enough? Patiently clean the impurities           from the glass of […]

The Way To Peace

Take refuge in your breath, Let go of the mind and rest       in the breath. Like the very dearest of friends, Your breath has accompanied you       through all the pains, […]

Take Refuge in Silence

All sound arises out of Silence and dissolves into Silence. All thought arises out of Silence       and dissolves into Silence. The universe arises out of Silence      and dissolves into […]

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